SEO, or search engine optimization, is a powerful avenue for revenue growth, and it can generate limitless demand in your company. But hiring a reliable SEO agency or partner can be difficult. That’s because SEO is such a complex topic. Also, many freelancers and SEO agencies claim to be experts, yet rely on outdated practices and tools that don’t yield results in today’s competitive and advanced market.

The truth is that anyone with minimal knowledge of Google’s Keyword Tool can show up and make promises of #1 Google Rankings and 1000% traffic increases.

But we’ve all had, or at least heard, the horror stories that have occurred from dealing with some of these so-called “professionals.” Unfortunately, those SEOs are more akin to snake oil salesmen of the past than true marketers.

Lucky for you, as an SEO expert myself and someone who wears a white hat only, I’ve put together a list of essential guidelines to ensure that you make the best decision possible for your business when hiring an SEO agency. But first, I’ll define and discuss the pros and cons of a freelancer versus an SEO agency.

So What Does an SEO Company Do Exactly?

Over 70% of B2B buyers say they rely on vendor websites for content to help make a purchase decision. 

But for your target audience to find your website and content, you must be visible online. 

For that, you need an effective SEO strategy.

FYI, search engine optimization is the practice of making your website more visible to your target audience. This results in you attracting high-quality (and quantity) organic traffic to your website and product.

That’s what SEO companies do — they help businesses like yours outrank the competition, drive more traffic, and generate more leads.


SEO companies focus on helping brands improve their presence in search engines without paying for ads. They do this by focusing on three main pillars.

  • On-page SEO. On-page SEO deals with all the things on your website that directly influence your search engine rankings. This includes excellent keyword research, content quality, internal link structure, content marketing (including blog posts and other forms of content writing) and more.
  • Off-page SEO. This deals with factors you don’t directly influence but still impact your ranking. Examples include backlinks, mentions on social media or other digital platforms, and even your competitors’ rankings.
  • Technical SEO. As the name suggests, technical SEO focuses on the technical aspects of your website, mainly those that affect the indexability and crawlability of web pages. It ensures that elements like URL structure, sitemaps, site speed, and other behind-the-scenes elements of your website.

So, what does an SEO company do?

Essentially, they help you prime your website for success in helping you grow your business and generate more revenue. They own your SEO strategy, execute top-notch keyword research, manage SEO content writers, and deploy a custom digital marketing strategy aligned with your larger business goals.

And the data speaks for itself. SEO is not dead. If anything, you’ll need to up your game as the competition gets stiffer.

What Kinds of SEO Companies are There?

As you shop around for a partner to help you with your SEO, you’ll discover that there are three kinds of SEO companies. The one you decide to work with must essentially fit in with your:

  • Business model/size
  • Budget
  • Business goals

What are the three kinds of SEO companies, and how do they differ?


An SEO freelancer is an individual who offers SEO services to businesses.  They are a viable option if you’re looking to contract your SEO needs. They might have similar goals as an SEO agency, but their methodology can vary wildly depending on the individual.

If you find the right person, this can be a great opportunity. This person is a dedicated SEO content writer, and typically will offer blog content services. But you’ve got to be careful about some of these individuals, because they might not have the skills to back up their claims.


  • Are willing to take time to experiment/try new things
  • Don’t have as many overall clients, so they can give personalized attention and tailored packages
  • Tend to have cheaper services


  • Only one perspective, even if they are an expert
  • Freelance writers might not have comprehensive experience creating a well-rounded digital marketing strategy 
  • Might not have the same level of tools or analysis capabilities.
  • Aren’t as credible.

If you’re on a tight budget and don’t have an enormous scope of SEO work, you may consider enlisting the help of a freelancer.


A consultant is another type of SEO company to consider as you shop around for SEO services. 

An SEO consultant is a professional who has established themselves as a go-to expert in the industry. Unlike freelancers who work alone, consultants usually outsource some parts of their work to freelance writers. 


  • Experts in their field
  • Direct access to the consultant (and their team)
  • Have a strong network of partners to work with
  • Can handle more scope than freelancers


  • Pricier than freelancers
  • Usually can’t handle projects with an enormous scope
  • Finding the right consultant for your industry can be difficult

A consultant will probably serve your needs well if you’re looking for a hybrid between an agency and a freelancer.


One of your best options if you’re planning on running a full-scale SEO campaign is to go the agency route. That’s because most SEO agencies employ specialists to be in charge of each aspect of an SEO strategy.

Most agencies enlist a project or account manager to liaise with clients, while others have the SEO team lead do that. This aspect of communication is important as it helps ensure you and the agency are always on the same page.

If you’re looking for speed of execution or have a large website with many SEO needs, an agency is the way to go.


  • Offer full-service SEO
  • Easier to scale your SEO strategy
  • Access to a team of experts, including high-calibur SEO content writers
  • Usually have the latest tools and training


  • Can be pricier than freelancers and consultants
  • Some SEO agencies limit your input in planning and executing your SEO strategy

Note: some agencies are front-end account management teams that lay on top of a white label SEO firm that works behind them. If this is the case, and you are relatively sophisticated at strategy, you may want to go straight to the subcontractor. But that’s a decision to make about how much handholding you want to pay for.

So, now that you know a little about your options for professional SEO services, here are those guidelines I promised. If you follow these carefully, you’ll never have to worry about hiring the right SEO consultant ever again.

How to Identify a Trustworthy Partner

Finding the right company to partner with you in planning and executing your SEO strategy is not easy. After all, your partner of choice will determine the results you get. Those results, in turn, will directly impact your business growth and revenue.

That’s why choosing an SEO partner is actually like choosing the person to marry — they play a huge role in your future.

So how do you ensure that you choose the right SEO company for your business?

Ask About their Strategy

Your SEO partner agency may have some trade secrets that they’d rather keep under wraps, sure. But they should be able to explain their process, systems, and general approach to you. For example, when you look at RevenueZen’s B2B SEO services, you’ll find that our campaigns always include things such as keyword research, technical SEO audits, link building, off-page SEO, competitive gap analysis, and on-page optimizations.

It’s never good to be in the dark about where your dollars are going, and your SEO partner agency should work shrouded in secrecy. If they can confidently talk about their approach and general strategy, that’s an excellent sign. If they tell you “don’t worry, we’ll take it from here,” you should question the way they’re working and what they’ll be able to deliver.

Look into Their Past Work

One of the first things you should do when looking for an SEO partner is to check them out.  

Ask them about the campaigns they’ve worked on and why they ended.

Not all SEOs are created equal. Just because someone says a bunch of seemingly professional web jargon like “robots.txt” or “meta tags” doesn’t mean that they are qualified to improve your site.

They might have just read an article or two about SEO before the interview. Make sure to require them to walk you through their previous clients and experience. If they are a single individual, have them describe if they worked either in-house, at an agency, or were a freelancer.

For SEO agencies, ask how long they’ve been in business, who some of their clientele are, and then get in contact with those past clients and get their opinion as well.

Also, be sure to ask to see the results of their previous work. Get to know their working relationship with their previous clients and why they parted ways. All this will give you insight into the kind of individual they are and their work ethics.

Request Examples Of Successful Campaigns

They say never to judge a book by its cover. But when it comes to SEO, you need to judge by results.

Before you sign an SEO company, have them show you examples of their past website’s current rankings and how it looks.

Any SEO that did a great job for their previous company should be proud of their past work. The site should still be doing relatively well and not be too radically different, and their web pages should still be ranking in the search engines

The reason for this is that if their tactics were based on search engine recommendations and best practices, then the implementations and strategies should be somewhat future-proof as long as it wasn’t too many years in the past.

If nothing else, the sites should still be ranking fairly well. If they’re not or have been de-indexed, that’s a red flag. It might be the case that someone else came into the business and made that mistake, but be sure to contact the employer to verify that information.

See How They Rank

Google has a wealth of knowledge on people (especially professionals) and businesses. That’s why one way of vetting your next SEO partner is by checking them out on the search engines.. 

Search their first and last name if they’re freelancers or business names for consultants and companies.

That’s right. Do it.

Most quality SEO professionals for hire will have their own names and websites optimized. 

It makes sense, right? 

It’s their job to increase search visibility and rankings on the web, so they should know how to do the same with their personal brand and website.

If you can’t find them by doing a basic search on the web or at least on social media, then there is a problem. Either with their skill level or lack of transparency as a business, both of which are red flags.

If a brand or freelancer is serious about their business, they’ll apply the same SEO principles and strategies in their business that they do for clients. As a result, they should rank for lucrative search terms in their industry and niche. This way, when you google them, they show up high on the search engine results pages.

Give it a whirl! What comes up on page 1 when you search b2b seo services, b2b inbound marketing services, or b2b social selling? Oh, it’s RevenueZen!? Well look at that – it takes a lot of work, but it absolutely pays off.

Reports, Reports, Reports

Some digital marketing services and deliverables can be intangible.

So an ethical and skilled SEO should want to hold themselves accountable because they know how to produce. They should be completely transparent with their efforts on a monthly, and even weekly basis.

For most companies or specialists, this comes in report form. In some instances, a report and meeting if you’d prefer. The report should be easy to understand, comprehensive, and clearly show how they are helping to increase your company’s bottom line.

Besides keeping you informed, your SEO company should also use the reports to gauge the campaign’s progress. This is done by gathering the right data on the right key performance indicators (KPIs) and using said data to see if you’re meeting your SEO goals.

What if the data shows that you’re not meeting your SEO goals?

A savvy SEO can interpret the reports and understand exactly where your campaign fails. Not only that, but they’re able to build better iterations of the campaign based on the data from the reports.

So, make sure to ask for past campaign reports and ask them to explain the data to you. Even if you use standard free tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Data Studio, this will help you know if your SEO is worth entrusting your business to. 

Traps to Watch out For

As with any hire, there are certain red flags to look out for when vetting SEOs. Here are some of the top ones:

Guaranteed Keyword Rankings

If they say anything about guaranteed rankings as part of their SEO strategy, especially sooner than 90 days, politely excuse yourself, and run away briskly.

Nowadays, search engines are getting a lot smarter. They are on a mission to serve only the most quality and relevant content possible. They consider over 200 ranking factors about a given website, depending on its size and content frequency. For example, depending on your site size and content frequency, Google can take anywhere between hours and weeks to add your site to its index.

So, when you hear the promise of instant results, run away.

The person might even be telling the truth, but their methods will have you getting penalized and possibly even de-indexed shortly after as well.

Be Highly Skeptical of Low Prices

No one, and I mean absolutely no one, can do quality SEO for $99.

The time it takes to create a viable content and SEO strategy, conduct proper audits and industry analysis, make code and technical changes, and generate quality backlinks (especially for B2B companies) is to the tune of 6 months to a year just for a proper full optimization and results.

If someone (or even a team) dedicates that level of effort and strategy to your site and business, they can’t possibly profit by charging $99.

Realistically, those companies offer really gimmicky SEO strategies and tactics that will probably hurt your company’s SEO in the long run. So when hiring a search engine specialist, be willing to dish out a few more dollars for top quality. 

They Emphasis Content Quantity

Look, it’s not 2003 anymore. The search engines are sophisticated, especially when it comes to content. Keyword stuffing is out, as is pushing out massive amounts of content that’s poorly written. So be wary of a partner that’s focused on tons of content, who doesn’t care much for the quality. On the other hand, an excellent SEO partner will focus on high-quality content writing, and you’ll likely have at least one dedicated SEO content writer who learns your brand inside and out. You’ll get a custom content strategy that is hyper-specific, targeted, and flexible. Blog posts will be creative, informative, and designed for different stages of your buyer’s journey.

They Use Paid Ads or Cold Calls to Generate their Own Leads

Remember, SEO is about driving organic traffic to your website, resulting in organic inbound leads

An SEO company that relies exclusively on paid ads or cold outreach to generate leads doesn’t trust its own systems, processes, and strategies. So why should you?

That’s why at RevenueZen, we do things differently. We use the same proven SEO process to generate leads for our agency as we do for clients.

They Only Focus on Page 1

Any quality SEO professional knows that goals of SEO don’t only start and end at ranking on Page 1. While that’s important for your target audience finding you with ease, there are a litany of other business goals that SEO can deliver on. You might want to grow as an authority in your market, increase organic traffic, drive more demos, or improve your conversion rate. Either way, if your SEO partner only focuses on Google, and isn’t concerned with things like your buyer’s journey or funnel content, then head for the hills. 

Team Members Aren’t Listed on the Website or LinkedIn

Another red flag to watch out for as you look for an SEO partner is the failure to display company leadership or other critical team members on LinkedIn or the company website. This is a sign that the company has a high turnover rate of employees. It could also mean the people behind the company have been in trouble in the past (or have a bad reputation in SEO circles) and would rather not reveal who they are.

Knowing the signs of sketchy SEO consulting is incredibly important when you’re trying to choose the right service for your brand. Here are some additional not-so-obvious red flags to keep an eye out for: 

  • Black Hat SEO Tactics: Avoid agencies that use black hat SEO tactics like buying links or keyword stuffing. These can lead to penalties and hurt your long-term online reputation.
  • Overpromising Quick Fixes: Genuine SEO takes time. If an agency promises sky-high traffic in just a few days, it’s likely they’re not playing by the rules.
  • Mysterious Methods: Transparency is key in SEO. If an agency can’t clearly explain its strategies, that’s a concern.
  • One-Size-Fits-All Solutions: Your company deserves a tailored approach, not a generic strategy. A good agency understands and adapts to your unique needs and target audience.
  • Poor Communication: Early communication issues often signal future troubles. Responsive and clear interactions are a must.

Staying alert to these signs will help you avoid problematic agencies and partner with one that truly supports your goals. Remember, if an agency seems too good to be true (i.e. very cheap for what they’re saying they’ll deliver), it probably is. 

Choosing the Right Partner for You

At this point, you’re ready to choose a partner for your SEO needs, right?


To help you do that, you must answer a few pertinent questions:

Do You Need a Strategic Partner or Just Another Body?

As you look for an SEO partner, you must ask whether you need a strategic partner or someone to follow your instructions blindly. Of course, giving instructions will only work if you have already done the heavy lifting of researching and developing an SEO strategy your SEO partner will follow.

However, if you want the best results from a campaign, you need a strategic partner. Experts in the field are always up to speed with current SEO best practices. As such, they’re able to advise on the best courses of action to take for you to get satisfactory results from your campaigns. 

Does Your Industry Require Special Knowledge?

Another question to ask yourself as you look for an SEO partner is whether your industry requires specialized knowledge to get your SEO strategy right.

In short, do they have experience in your industry?

Remember, not all SEOs are the same. You need someone who understands the nuances of your industry and knows exactly how to attract, engage, and convert your target audience.

Without specialized knowledge of your industry, your SEO strategy will be like shooting in the dark. You may get a few lucky shots, but success will generally elude you.

Are They a Good Culture Fit?

While your SEO partner may not be a permanent member of your team, they still need to value and embrace your corporate culture. Culture fit is essential as it ensures that your SEO will work well with your team. You want to work with someone who’s enjoyable to work with, and who makes the day a little bit brighter. You know, sort of like the RevenueZen team.

Do You Have Stakeholder Buy-in?

Getting stakeholder buy-in for SEO services is an important step.  That’s why you must tread carefully when pitching the need for SEO services. 

The question is, can you create the business case for SEO yourself? 

Or do you need your SEO partner to help you craft your pitch?

The answer to this question will help you whittle down the candidates you’ve lined up, leaving you with those who can help with the pitch if so needed.

Picking the Right SEO Agency is No Walk in the Park 

Getting SEO services is no walk in the park.

Finding the right one for you can be a daunting task with so many different service providers on the market.

We understand this. And that’s why we wrote up this framework for you to follow.

So, if you need a search engine optimization company to help increase your online visibility, drive traffic to your website, and grow your business, make sure to follow the tips above.

Can I DIY My SEO? 

While DIY SEO might seem like a cost-saving option, it can put a drain on your resources faster than you might think.

SEO is more than just inserting keywords or tweaking your website’s layout; it requires a deep understanding of various factors, including technical SEO, content strategy, user experience, and more. Here’s why professional SEO agencies are worth the up-front cost:

  • Expertise and Experience: SEO professionals are equipped with the latest knowledge and tools to effectively navigate the ever-changing SEO landscape.
  • Cost-Effective Resource Allocation: For the cost of hiring one in-house SEO expert, you can gain access to a team of specialists through an agency. This means you can benefit from the collective expertise of multiple professionals — each with their own unique skills and insights — for a more comprehensive approach to your SEO strategy.
  • Save Time: SEO can be incredibly time-consuming. By partnering with an agency, you free up valuable time to focus on running your company.
  • Better Results: Agencies have the skills to create strategies that yield long-term, sustainable results, something that can be challenging to achieve with a DIY approach.
  • Staying Ahead of the Curve: Professionals are always updating their strategies to stay ahead of the latest trends and algorithm changes, ensuring your SEO doesn’t fall behind.

While handling some SEO tasks yourself is doable, for a comprehensive strategy that delivers measurable results and a solid ROI, the value of an SEO agency is unmatched.

How to Choose an SEO Agency in 6 Steps

1. Define Your Goals

When you’re choosing an SEO agency, you have to start by figuring out what your company actually needs. Consider what you’re trying to achieve with SEO — is it to improve rankings for certain keywords, increase website visitors, or enhance your online presence in a specific market? Are you seeing traffic, but missing conversions? How many leads or new users do you want to generate from organic search? What about revenue? Defining your goals not only provides a direction for your SEO efforts but also helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the agency’s work.

2. Research SEO Agencies 

There are plenty of SEO consulting services for you to choose from — and you’re going to want to do your research before you decide to partner with any of them. Start by exploring agencies that have a strong track record in your industry. Look for agencies with case studies, client testimonials, and a proven history of successful SEO performance. Consider these points while researching:

  • Look at Agency Portfolios: Review their past work to gauge their expertise and success in your industry or with similar business models.
  • Read Client Testimonials and Reviews: Client feedback can provide insights into the agency’s reliability, responsiveness, and results.

Evaluate Their Online Presence: An agency’s own SEO performance can be a testament to their skills. Check how well they rank for key terms in their industry.

3. Set Up an SEO Consultation 

Once you have a shortlist, the next step is to arrange SEO consultations with these agencies. This is your opportunity to get a feel for their approach and expertise, as well as their rapport. During the consultation, pay attention to their understanding of your industry, the suggestions they offer, and their willingness to tailor strategies to your specific needs. Key points to consider:

  • Assess Their Understanding of Your Company: The agency should demonstrate a clear grasp of your goals and challenges. For example, a SaaS brand might want to partner with a SaaS SEO agency, rather than a run-of-the-mill consultancy. If you’re a large enterprise brand, you’ll want to be on the lookout for enterprise SEO agencies. 
  • Evaluate Their Communication Style: During the call, ensure their communication style aligns with your preferences and company culture. Are they hands-on? Do they work asynchronously? Either way, does it work well with the way you do things?
  • Gauge Their Passion and Creativity: Look for an agency that shows genuine enthusiasm and innovative ideas for your SEO strategy. A gold-star SEO agency should help move the needle when it comes to your company’s growth — not just get your website pages to appear on the SERP. 

4. Ask The Right Questions 

You can never ask too many questions when you’re deciding on an SEO consulting service. Before hiring, be sure that they can meet your needs and that you have a clear understanding of how they’ll do so. Here are some questions you should ask before committing to a partnership: 

  • What is your approach to developing an effective SEO strategy for a company in our industry?
  • How do you stay updated with the latest SEO trends and Google algorithm changes?
  • Can you share some success stories or case studies that highlight your achievements with past clients?
  • What metrics do you focus on to measure the success of SEO, and how are these communicated to clients?
  • How do you handle SEO challenges, like penalties or sudden drops in rankings?
  • Can you explain your link building strategy? How do you ensure the quality and relevance of backlinks?
  • What is your process for integrating SEO with other growth marketing channels and tactics such as content marketing and lead generation?
  • When will we start to see results?
  • What happens if I want to cancel?
  • Will I own the website if I leave the contract?
  • What will you need from us to be successful?
  • Do you offer multiple contract/budget options? If so, what are they?

5. Get to Know the Team 

Understanding who will be working on your SEO is as important as the agency itself. After all, a competent team with diverse skills can make a huge difference. Look for a team with a mix of skills, from technical SEO specialists to content strategists.

This is also a great opportunity to assess the communication skills of the team. Good communication is essential when choosing the right SEO consultant. Investing in an SEO strategy is a long-term commitment, and you need to know they’ll communicate with you effectively as the partnership grows. 

Establish how often you’ll communicate and how you’ll communicate if you hire them. It should be easy to reach them even while you’re in the consideration process. If you find yourself waiting long periods to hear back, or even if you’re just not on the same page as the agency on a personal level, it could be time to move on.

6. Be Clear on the Agreement and Terms

Before finalizing your decision, you have to establish the rules of engagement. Clear and transparent agreement terms can prevent future misunderstandings and lay the groundwork for your partnership. Focus on:

  • Service Scope: What exactly is included in the services, and are there any additional costs for extra services?
  • Contract Duration: How long is the contract, and what are the terms for renewal or cancellation?
  • Performance Metrics: Ensure there are agreed-upon KPIs for measuring the success of SEO efforts.

SEO Agency Hiring FAQs

“Does this process work for choosing the right technical SEO agency?”

Yup, this is the exact right process whether you need help with technical SEO, on page optimizations, link building, content production, or any other implementation.

“Do I need to hire an SEO agency to drive more traffic to my website?”

Honestly, no. It is possible to do some aspects of SEO yourself. However, we often find that without any experience building SEO campaigns that actually drive revenue, it can be difficult to do as a company without an experienced SEO strategist to guide you along the way. You might be able to drive some new website traffic, or rank for some keywords, but not all traffic will equal quality leads or more sales.

“Will the content actually sound like my brand?”

When you’re partnering with an SEO agency, you can rest assured they’re going to dive deep into your company, to understand your vision, goals, and to best embody your brand voice. This means your SEO content writers will deeply understand your target audience, and all content will sound like it’s in alignment with your org. Blog posts will be informative and in your tone, your landing pages will be crisp and enticing, and any other content which is published will be up to snuff.

“Do SEO companies actually work?”

Some do. Some don’t. Just like any industry there are reputable companies who deliver on their promises and others who want to take your money and run. Here at RevenueZen our priorities are aligned with yours. We use the same strategies for our own marketing that we recommend for our clients. So yeah, we do think SEO and SEO companies really work. It just depends on working with the right one for your needs.

“How to tell if my SEO company is working?”

Any SEO company worth their salt should be providing you with real time reporting in an easy to understand dashboard. These reports should show metrics like Google Search Console impressions/clicks, target keyword rankings, unique website visitors, content performance, SEO sourced leads, and if you have your CRM set up, SEO sourced revenue as well. It should never be a mystery to you how your campaign is performing, if it is, you need to have a conversation with your current vendor immediately.

“How long do I need to employ an SEO company for?”

You’d be very interested in our article that we wrote about how long SEO takes to work. This should give you the insight that you’re looking for.

If you’re a B2B brand, you’ll be happy to know that we specialize in B2B SEO services. So go ahead and get in touch. We’ll help you design and implement a B2B SEO campaign that will help you achieve your business goals.

If You’re Looking to Boost Organic-Sourced Revenue with SEO, We Should Talk 👋

Finding the right SEO content agency for your business is a huge undertaking, we get it. That’s because we’ve partnered with tons of businesses like yours, and we know how much effort it takes to really pull off lofty SEO goals. But if you’re looking to master your SEO strategy once and for all, we’re here to help.

We’re RevenueZen, and we’re a SEO content agency that goes beyond tools and tactics to help you build a sustainable stream of qualified leads for your sales team. Let us show you how SEO can take your business to new heights. Book a call today