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B2B Verbal Brand Identity & Messaging Services

As a business, your brand is your identity. It stands up and announces, “Hey, this is what I’m all about, and here’s how to spot me in a crowd!” Don’t let your brand identity get lost in the crowd. Contact us today to elevate your messaging and stand out from the competition.

How To Build A B2B Company Verbal Brand Identity

Building the right brand identity to represent your business plays a crucial role in achieving success. Successful SaaS and PS companies rely on compelling copy to communicate value to buyers, not flashy visuals, so for B2B companies, a brand’s verbal identity matters most.


To get the job done right, brand messaging needs to be accurate, complete, unique, and consistent. Otherwise, a company risks looking less focused and poorly defined alongside competitors.


Creating a Brand Messaging Guide (BMG) is an essential first step for growth-minded businesses ready to design and refine their verbal brand identities.

Some of The Amazing Brands
We’ve Worked With

When done right, the correct SEO strategy and content marketing plan will position you as an authority in your market, increase organic traffic, improve conversion rates, and most importantly, drive more demo bookings.

Inside A Brand Messaging

Guide, You’ll Find:

Company DNA

Core Values

Names the set of beliefs a business aligns with and supports. It helps tell the story of where a brand gets its fire and drive and speaks to its target customer.


A consolidated statement that clearly defines what a company delivers.


Describes where a company plans to go in the future. Similar to the mission, but aspirational.


Captures “the why” behind the brand. 

Company DNA in the brand messaging
customer messaging in the brand doc

Key Messaging

Brand Story

Introduction to a brand’s origin story, timeline, or industry positioning. Great place to introduce a business’s distinct voice, tone, and style. 

Elevator Pitch

A short and snappy statement that helps people understand what a brand does – quickly. Ideally, everyone on a team will use the same message. 


A line (or two) of hero copy to provide context, specificity, and unique industry positioning alongside the brand’s name. Great way to leverage prime messaging real estate.

Customer Voice

Target Customer Persona

A profile of the individual a brand was built for. Defines their pain points, needs, and wants so that a business can speak to the buyer directly.


A round-up of all the deliverables your product or service provides


All of the results buyers experience from engaging with a brand

Words That Define

Voice, Tone, & Style

A brand’s personality defined by the way it sounds through a description of the character, attitude, degree of formality, and quirks of the brand. 

Brand Drivers

A unique set of words or phrases defines a brand’s key pillars. Serve as a guardrail and guide for messaging. 

Word Banks

A set of words or phrases expands on brand drivers, so teams can be consistent in the themes they design messaging around but diverse in the language they use to describe them. 

Successful Partnerships

Take Control Of Your SEO-Sourced Pipeline

How To Build A BMG

To build a BMG, teams progress through a series of workshops guided by one of our team’s B2B brand strategists. The structure of the engagement breaks down into six phases:

Kickoff & Discovery

Introduction and overview of current brand verbal identity. 60 min. Zoom Call 

Workshop 1

Meet the Brand, Core Values, Brand Hero Language, Mission, Vision, and Purpose. 120 min. Zoom Call

Workshop 2

Brand Personality, Voice, Tone, & Style, Features & Benefits, Brand Drivers, and Brand Word Bank. 120 min. Zoom Call

Workshop 3

Current Target Customer Persona Profile, Elevator Pitch, and Strapline. 120 min. Zoom Call

Reporting & Editing Call

Presentation of working language and a live-editing session between brand strategist and client. 60 min. Zoom Call 

Final Brand Messaging Guide Delivery

Final BMG review and Q&A. 30 min. Zoom Call 

Once complete, a BMG gives teams the ability to apply straightforward and consistent messaging across every brand expression. 

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