CloudTask doubles YoY organic new users within 6 months with SEO

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CloudTask was able to double YoY organic users within the first 6 months of the campaign, and rank #1 for one of their most valuable business keywords.

Company Overview

CloudTask is a marketplace and managed workforce provider for companies looking to bring on sales talent. They combine technology, processes, a thriving marketplace, and first-class nearshore talent to help their clients deliver results.


Number of Employees

Outsourced Sales Provider


Miami Beach, FL


“RevenueZen has been great to work with. Understands needs and will go beyond the scope of work on occasions to help on projects. They are easy to communicate with. There were some issues along the way, but were quickly resolved and the campaign got back into full swing with both parties doing their parts to move things forward. Their results so far have been impressive.”

Wes Burger

Marketing Director


The Challenge

When we first spoke to Wes and the Cloudtask team, we were already excited due to the incredible awareness they had already built both offline and online. They already had a base of incoming organic traffic, but they didn’t know how to make it predictable or scalable. The traffic was coming in, but they didn’t know which keyword targets, links, or optimizations got them there.

Their biggest desire was to align marketing strategy with sales objectives, so that incoming users were not only satisfied with the content, but that they would then continue their journey throughout the site and convert into customers. It was a classic case of driving a lot of the wrong traffic and in some cases, making content for the sake of making content. At this point, we knew our partnership would be a good fit. That kind of first principles thinking is exactly what we do for all of our clients. So we got to work.

The Solution

Our first step was an in-depth content audit and optimization roadmap. They had over 100 content assets that had been produced and the top 10% were doing the bulk of the demand generation work. Through this process we identified content that either needed to be optimized, consolidated, or deleted, along with a more specific action for each page.

In parallel with our content audit, we also performed a technical audit, competitive gap analysis, and buyer intent-based keyword research. We worked with Wes and his CEO, Amir, to align every aspect of this research to their sales strategy for a laser focused set of SEO related objectives. From there, we implemented immediate changes to upgrade the performance of the website, optimized all of their page level SEO factors, created a top of funnel oriented content strategy for the blog, and started a link building strategy to build on the domain authority they already had.

Due to that existing domain authority, the results from our efforts came fairly quickly within the first 6 months. We were able to look at new incoming data on a month to month basis and use that information to take an iterative approach with our ongoing optimizations.

The Results

6 Months In


YoY Increase in
Organic New Users


Increase in
Non Branded Keywords


Keyword Value
(cost to acquire same monthly users with paid ads)

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