airCFO grows YoY organic website traffic by 350% through middle-funnel SEO

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Grows year-over-year organic website traffic by 350% through robust SEO and content strategy.

Company Overview

aircfo logo white

airCFO provides finance, accounting, and tax services. They take care of your back-office while you focus on growing your venture-backed company from startup to scale-up.


Number of Employees

Accounting Services


Cleveland, OH


“Our team loves working with you… very impressed with your organization, communication and expertise/value-add. Overall, August was a decent month, we hitting our (very reachable) goal of ~5 closed/won again. We’re excited about where our content initiatives are heading.”

Justin McLoughlin



The Challenge

The team at airCFO wanted a better inbound marketing strategy to get people to their website. Their service was a hit with existing clients and they were growing steadily from referrals, but they weren’t getting the organic traffic they wanted to see for improving their growth trajectory. And they didn’t want to just continue to hire more salespeople in the hopes that they could cold-call their way into new clients.

They knew the importance of site health, SEO, and regularly scheduled blog content, but no one on the team had the bandwidth to take ownership of the process. airCFO is made up of expert accountants and tax professionals, and they knew the message they wanted to distribute to the market, but there weren’t any full-time technical marketers on the team.

The Solution

Starting with high level content pieces (such as The Basics of Cloud Accounting), later turning into progressively more niche topics (such as Understanding Venture Debt Financing), airCFO took over more and more valuable keyword real estate on Google Search, without spending money on ads.

By creating a robust content library designed for buyers at all stages of the buying funnel, airCFO communicated its status as a respected finance partner to the market of new leads searching for CFO support. This led to a massive increase in organic traffic, keyword rankings, and in turn, clients and revenue.

The Results

7 Months In


Increase In Total Keywords


Page One Keyword Increase


Traffic YoY Increase

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