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B2B Inbound Marketing Services

Inbound marketing is a marathon that pays off in spades, but it takes more than a spiffy looking blog to reap the results – it takes a village. Rather than hire, train, and manage your village of content managers, social media specialists, and keyword gurus, let us take care of everything.

Our Focus? Inbound Strategies That Bring The Leads To You

Gone are the days of disruptive marketing. Your customers, both existing and prospective, demand relevant content that addresses their needs.


Utilizing extensive research and proven, data-driven techniques, we develop and implement a comprehensive plan of attack centered around a mix of content that’s devoted toward brand authority, buyer intent, and search engine friendliness.


From concept to completion, we handle everything with a thoughtful, tailor-made approach.


Our inbound marketing services will help you attract qualified prospects and build long-term brand credibility, establishing your company as the company to do business with.

Some of The Amazing Brands
We’ve Worked With


When done right, a well planned B2B inbound marketing plan will position you as an authority in your market, increase organic traffic, improve conversion rates, and most importantly, drive more opportunities for your sales team.

Does this sound like you?

Most companies already have some inbound initiatives in play, but few understand how to optimize their approach to fill their sales pipeline with qualified opportunities.

Do any of these remind you of your situation?

  • You consider yourselves experts and your website as the “go-to” authority but you have to create content beyond blogs to capture users at later stages of their buying journey.
  • You have a resource center or blog that updates a few times a month, but you’re not seeing increases in organic traffic or engagement.
  • Your website’s content assets don’t seem to be contributing to pipeline and even if they were, you aren’t sure how to connect those dots. 

RevenueZen might be the right partner for you if…

  • You want to spend less time prospecting and more time closing.
  • You want to establish your brand as the leading authority in your field, but you don’t have the time to hire an in-house team of marketers.
  • You are more interested in securing a consistent stream of leads than you are in a one-time rush.
  • You have a large market of  prospective contacts but don’t know the most effective way to engage them.
  • You want to augment your revenue team with inbound marketing in addition to outbound sales.
  • You understand the long-term value of inbound, but you have zero time to launch and maintain a successful campaign right now.

Successful Partnerships

Take Control Of Your Organic-Sourced Sales Pipeline

Take Control Of Your SEO-Sourced Pipeline

RZ Methodology


Blog posts, white papers, free tools, guides, downloads, videos, infographics, and even solutions pages for your products can be considered examples of inbound marketing.

You “do” inbound marketing by figuring out who your target audience is, learning about their needs, creating content assets for them to consume at every stage of their buying decision making journey, and giving them an enticing and mutually beneficial way to get in touch with you when they are ready.

The success of any inbound marketing campaign depends on the goals that you have set for it. It’s important to define KPI objectives prior to the campaign starting. That being said, it can be measured by new website users, demos booked, contact form submissions, sales rep phone calls, MQLs generated, and more. The limits are typically in your definition of success being realistic and having the correct tracking in place from the beginning.

Attract, Engage, Close, and Delight.

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